

Network Type: mainnet

Chain ID: injective-1

Current Node Version: v1.12.0

Staked Tokens With Polkachu: 2,305,938INJ

Staked Value With Polkachu: $56,472,422

Injective is an open, interoperable, layer 1 blockchain built for finance applications. It provides solutions tailored for DeFi developers to quickly build and launch dApps for widespread use. Injective uniquely provides traditional finance infrastructures, such as an order book module, on-chain and is highly interoperable with prominent layer 1s, including Ethereum, Evmos, Axelar, and Moonbeam. Injective is built with the Cosmos SDK and utilizes a Tendermint proof-of-stake consensus for secure transactions with instant finality.

Injective Institutional Staking

Experienced team validating on 80+ blockchains
Non-custodial staking so you are in full control
Low fixed monthly cost to maximize your yields
Flexible terms so you can switch any time

Injective Staking Inquiry